The Confucius Institute at Presbyterian College is established by Presbyterian College and Guizhou University, sponsored by Hanban, the Office of Chinese Language Council International of China to promote the mutual understanding between the two nations.
Its objectives are:

  •  to  strengthen the Chinese programs at Presbyterian College and its partner institutions, including Clemson University, Converse College, Furman University, and Wofford College;
  • to enhance business exchanges between China and the Upstate business community of South Carolina, in partnership with the Global Trade Consortium and the Upstate Alliance;
  • to support the teaching of the Chinese language and culture in K-12 schools in conjunction with the State Department of Education;
  • to further the cultural diversity of Upstate South Carolina through cultural events jointly with the Greenville Chinese Culture Association.

For more information, please go to

  • Contact Us

    Add: Huxi Guiyang Guzhou, P.R. China, 550025

    Tel: +86-0851-8291038, 8292749

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