Delegation from Massey University Visited Guizhou University


On the morning of September 19th, a delegation headed by Prof. Stephen Croucher, Dean of College of Communication, Journalism, and Marketing of Massey University, New Zealand, with Associate Professor Li Mingsheng visited Guizhou University. A meeting was presided over by Zhou Bin, Vice Director of Office of International Relations, attended by Zhou Jie, Dean of College of Foreign Languages, Tang Juan, Vice Dean of College of Literature and Communication, and Liang Xue, Vice Dean of College of International Education.


At the meeting, Zhou, Tang, and Liang respectively introduced each college, adding that further discussion is expected shortly.

Associate Prof. Li briefed participants on Massey University and existing exchange programs. He hoped that the bilateral cooperation would be promoted, selecting those who suit both needs.

Dean Stephen Croucher provided detailed explanations regarding requirements for faculty and students' exchange of GZU at Massey University. He hoped that this visit would serve as an opportunity to expand the cooperation and deepen the partnership between the two sides.


Both sides exchanged ideas regarding cooperation programs, student exchange and faculty mobility etc.

Translator: Xie Minjun

Editor: Zhong Hui

Chief Editor: Zhou Bin

Senior Editor: Hong Yun

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