Employment and Management of Foreign Experts and Teachers at the OIR of GZU



Foreign experts and teachers are employed by GZU for the actual needs of students. Besides the employment of language teachers, international scholars of other specialties are welcome to work in GZU.

The recruiting colleges and departments who intend to employ foreign teachers/experts will submit the proposal of next year to the Personnel Division and the OIR ahead of 6 months; and the proposal can only be taken effect when approved by the university. Upon the employment, the management of foreign experts will be integrated into the personnel administration system of GU.

I. Job Description

  1. Specialized English teachers: Oral Training, Writing and Literature for postgraduate in the College of International Studies

  2. French teachers: Oral Training for Tourism Management Chinese-French Class in the College of Humanities

  3. Korean teachers: The Second Language Class in the College of International Studies and Korean Class in the College of Humanities

  4. Specialized teachers in other colleges

  5. Co-researchers

The colleges and departments fill an application and Personal Division checks and approves.


II. Employment Modes

1. Recommended by partnership universities/colleges

2. On-line recruitment

3. Recommended by former alumni and/or former foreign teachers

4. Introduced by agencies

5. Recommended through overseas organizations (i.e. English Language Association, UK )

6. Recommended by government organizations (i.e. JICA, USChina Friendship Volunteers)

7. Recruitment from abroad


III. Cost Sharing

  GZU is in accordance with the principal of “encouraging hiring, forming self-financial salary and lodging with the help of school”. If without some positions, school funds for foreign affairs share the cost; if having so, colleges share the cost. Returning the expense from colleges with some positions to school is to supply the insufficient school funds.

Specific Cost Sharing

1.       the salary of 2-3 teachers allocated by Provincial Education Bureau

2.       foreign teachers’ funds

3.       class remuneration deducted by the colleges and departments

4.       part cost shared by International Organizations, like JICA, USChina Friendship Volunteers

5.       funds of scientific research

The funds of Provincial Education Bureau and school are used to ensure the expense of specialized teachers. Cost of Co-researchers will be paid by funds of scientific research, and the recruitment is no more than 6 months.

IV. Approval Process

1.       The colleges or departments are expected to make employment proposals first;

2. The Division of Personnel checks the position and budget available before submitting for the approval by the university president;

3. The colleges or departments and the OIR jointly select the qualified candidates;

4. The confirmation of the candidates is submitted to the university for approval;

 5. The proposals are submitted to the Provincial Education Bureau and the Provincial Foreign Affairs Department for approval;

 6. And the OIR is responsible for the application and visa arrangements for foreign scholars coming to China ; and to sign the employment contract with them on behalf of the university.

The relevant information of long-term (3 months and the above) employment of the scholars (i.e. the individuals’ academic credentials, CV and recommendation letters etc.) should be submitted to OIR in 90 working days in advance. 


V. Daily Management

Chinese teachers’ assistance, Management and logistic services are provided to foreign scholars through the coordination of the colleges and departments and OIR.


VI. Work Evaluation

The work of the foreign teachers/experts should be included in the teaching assessment of the university. The colleges and departments are supposed to evaluate on their teaching, and provide a written summary assessing their work and performance at the end of each semester; and provide the feedback and suggestions for improvement to the OIR and foreign scholars.

VII. Treatment

In order to improve the treatment of foreign cultural and educational experts working in China, State Foreign Expert Bureau and Treasury Department jointly adjust their salary and divide it into direct salary and indirect salary: the former is paid by money, while the later (lodging, public health services and money on transportation) provided by the colleges and departments. The guide lines of monthly salary are:


Category I   teachers in higher education institutions with both bachelor's degree and two years’                          and the above teaching experience, or teachers in high schools with three years’ and the above teaching experience                                              RMB 2200-3300

Category II   assistant professors, lecturers in higher education institutions, or teachers in high schools with five years’ and the above teaching experience or professionals with high level of expertise                                                RMB 3300-4600    

Category III   full and associate professors in higher education institutions, or senior lecturers from the Commonwealth countries                           RMB 4600-6000


A large sum of money can be used to invite talents that China anxious for.

International and domestic traveling expenses for one-way or round-trip could be provided by some schools.


According to the hiring situation and experience of GZU, some principals are as follows:

 foreign teachers/experts


          Bachelor holders: RMB 3000 monthly

          Master holders: RMB 3300 monthly

          PHD holders: depending on major; Doctor is not suggested in language teaching


Other welfare:

1.       Traveling cost: round trip air ticket from entry city to Guiyang or from Guiyang to departure city is provided;

2.       Visa cost: visa application assist, reimbursement of visa changing and application of residence permit are provided;

3.       Health insurance: RMB 1500 for health and personal insurance; Party B enjoys free service in Party A’s clinic.

4.       Facilities, like free lodging, furniture, bedding, TV set, refrigerator, warmer, electric fan, laundry, are provided freely.

5.       14 class hours each week

In Guizhou Province , the salary of foreign teachers is comparatively high, while the lodging condition is the worst, which is hoped to be improved. In order to solve the difficulty in lodging of foreigners, “International Communication Apartment” is demanded. The apartment can be divided into three levels: high master, ordinary teachers and oversees students.



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