Employment and Management of Foreign Experts and Teachers


Foreign experts and teachers are employed by GZU for the actual needs of students. Besides the employment of language teachers, international scholars of other specialties are welcome to work in GZU.
The recruiting employer who intends to employ foreign teachers/experts will submit the proposal of next year to the Personnel Division and the Office of International Relations in May each year; and the proposal can only be taken effect when approved by the university. Upon the employment, the management of foreign experts will be integrated into the personnel administration system of GU.
I. Job Offer s
   1. Languages teachers/experts
   2. Teachers/Experts of specialties
  3. Co-researchers
II. Employment Modes
1. Recommended by partnership universities/colleges
   2. On-line recruitment
   3. Recommended by former alumni and/or former foreign teachers
 4. Introduced by agencies
   5. Recommended through overseas organizations (i.e. English Language Association, UK)
     6. Recommended by government organizations (i.e. JICA, USChina Friendship Volunteers)
 7. Recruitment from abroad
III. Approval Process
 1. The colleges or departments are expected to make employment proposals first;
 2. The Dean’s Office assesses if the proposal meets the teaching requirements;
 3. The Division of Personnel checks the position and budget available before submitting for the approval by the university president;
 4. The colleges or departments and the OIR jointly select the qualified candidates;
 5. The confirmation of the candidates is submitted to the university for approval;
   6.The proposals are submitted to the Provincial Education Bureau and the Provincial Foreign Affairs Department for approval;
  7. And the OIR is responsible for the application and visa arrangements for foreign scholars coming to China; and to sign the employment contract with them on behalf of the university.
     The relevant information of long-term (3 months and the above) employment of the scholars (i.e. the individuals’ academic credentials, CV and recommendation letters etc.) should be submitted to OIR in 60 working days in advance. 
  IV. Daily Management
 Management and logistic services are provided to foreign scholars through the coordination of OIR.
 V. Teaching Management
   (i) The colleges and departments will assign a partner teacher for the foreign experts, the partner teacher meanwhile assumes the responsibilities of taking care of foreign teachers’ life, giving guidance, cooperating in work etc. Following are the details of partner teacher’s responsibilites:
 1. To be responsible for the primary training for foreign teachers: to introduce tthe general information of the university and its schools, the university regulations, the teaching requirements (i.e. the selection of teaching materials, testing method, number of students, location of campuses and classrooms, reporting of academic records etc.).
 2. To help foreign scholars adapt to the teaching environment and teaching methods.
 3. To provide professional guidance: lesson preparations, teaching and testing, which are the three key components. The partner teacher should prepare lessons together with the foreign teachers; and both of them work together and ensure the teaching material meets students’ actual needs and the syllabus requirements.
 4. To form a teaching group with foreign teachers.
 5. To encourage the foreign teachers to take part in other activities except for teaching, such as the compiling of teaching materials, teaching discussion, understanding the teaching evaluation requirement.
 (II) To explain the teaching and research conditions to foreign scholars
(III) To deal with teaching fault(if ever happened).
  (IV) To give feedback to them their teaching and management
 IV. Work Evaluation

The work of the foreign teachers/experts should be included in the teaching assessment of the university. The colleges and departments are supposed to evaluate on their teaching, and provide a written summary assessing their work and performance at the end of each semester; and provide the feedback and suggestions for improvement to the OIR and foreign scholars.

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